

There are some individuals, one in millions, who stand out from the crowd, breaking all previous preconceptions and prejudgments about a person’s real capability and capacity excelling at common
causes and humane considerations.Dr Nowhera Shaik, a leading Indian woman entrepreneur, the founder and CEO of Heera Group of Companies, hailing from Tirupati in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, is one such individual who through her determination, devotion and dedication to the ideals she believes in, has quite ably carved her niche in a variety of fields including education, business and above all community and social work, nationally and globally. The story of Nowhera Shaik is one of self-esteem and self-effacement. Her life and times are a testimonial to what women are capable of and is an inspiration to all those who are locked in their immediate circumstances owing to religious, social and cultural barriers from realizing their dreams. In fact, her profile is an apt lesson for all those who want to rise to dizzy heights by way of serving the downtrodden and the ones who got left behind.

An Astute Businesswoman:

  • Born to Shaik Nanne Saheb in 1973, Nowhera Shaik, right from her early childhood, she has shown extreme concern about the plight of the deprived and underprivileged masses in society, most importantly the womenfolk of her community.
  •  Her public engagements right from her teenage were evidence of the fact that despite being highly affluent financially secured, she has kept alive the incentive to work and devote life for the upliftment of the suffering masses.
  • Shaik started her ventures in the field of education quite early in her teenage by giving lessons in religion and scriptures beginning with six girls, further flourishing into a full fledges educational institution set up in 1998 at Tirupati town. From then on, Shaik never looked back and kept on adding one feather after another, setting an example and leading from the front. Today, she is a ray of hope and a source of inspiration for those women who dream and aspire to become big.
  •   As the cliché goes that money makes a mare go, it holds true for beginning any venture steeped in public service and taking care of the subjugated and browbeaten. Therefore, she ventured into business, that, till date, remains her forte under the tag, Heera Group of Companies.
  •   As any thriving business opens up wondrous and captivating avenues of a life deeply delved in luxury, indulgence and extravagance, she closed those doors only open up the opportunities for the poor and the needy.
    • The success story of the struggle of the Heera Group of Companies, has been clubbed with the never say die efforts of its CEO, that is, Dr Nowera Shaik. Being a woman of strong commitments, deeply entrenched in the humanist norms and values, she was able to get a firm grip into the otherwise volatile world of cut throat business competition. Her firm beliefs in ethics of business added with those of humaneness turned her into a highly regarded businesswoman of Heera Group of Companies, wither products being the top notch in the market scene owing to their refined finishing, durability and unsurpassed quality.

    • Owing to her knack of clicking at the right time and place, in the business world, with commitment to an interest-free business enterprise, commitment to social service and financial support, Heera Group of Companies, today, is a respectable brand.
    • Having grown in an ambience, where, education of girls, unfortunately occupies a back seat (despite the fact that the holy scripture advocates for equal opportunities to women in all walks of life), not only that she herself received education, she implored the remaining girls of her community to realize the worth of education and capably support themselves and their families. This encouraged her for the empowerment of the cajoled and beleaguered women left forlorn and to fend for themselves in a world dominated by the patriarchal construct. Nevertheless, in her bid for empowering women, she never meant to be one up or lowering the prestige of the menfolk except that, she wanted gender equality and gender justice. This has given her immense push in both the world of social strata and that of business.
    • Her vision and mission is to uplift the plight of the fraught and wheedled women as she has a firm faith that women are second to none. She wants that in the world of business, politics and administration, let there be women’s 33-50 per cent participation. Thus, we see the formation of All India Mahila Empowerment Party (AIMEP/ MEP), with Dr Shaik becoming its founder president besides the wholly occupied schedule of hers with business and community service.
    • All this has allowed her stature to grow on the global scene as a highly dignified Muslim woman, firmly rooted to the values patriotism, nationalism as far as India is concerned besides her faith and service to the poor. As far as the comity of successful Muslim women is concerned, she stands head high above shoulders compared to many

The Rise of the Activist cum Philanthropist:

In the world of business, the proceeds are usually meant for the growth of a personal business house of certain individual/ individuals; however, in her case, Dr Nowhera propped up her earnings basically generating source for her social service ventures rather than using these for her personal life.

Today, being the CEO and founder of Heera Group of Companies, a consortium of group of companies that has marked its presence in India and at a global level, in fields so diverse as being a designer and state of the art jeweler, textiles, mineral water, granite, travel and tourism and e-commerce, she has acquired an immense respect and regard in the Indian as well as international business arenas.

Owing to her immaculate business acumen, she has enabled Heera
Group of Companies to be on top in this world of cut throat
competition. Nevertheless, her passion still has been the community
service and redressing the wrongs done unto the suppressed,
depressed and repressed with the axis focusing the women. Her
extraordinary business understanding and proficiency have ensured
rapid and steady growth of her well-established company. At the same
time, her venture of an interest-free business scheme, and supporting
her role as an educationist, has endeared her to one and all.

Another of her popular business endeavors, that is, Heera Heera Fincapital Pvt Ltd has its presence in 50 diverse sites and mushrooming in five countries with products and services available in over fifty countries. It provides investment opportunities and interest-free loans. It is true that the story of the inimitable success of Heera Group of Companies is clubbed with her own personal life of various vicissitudes. It is Nowhera Shaik’s determination to strongly stick to ethics and values in business that has won trust and market for Heera products and services.

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